A lot of time has past since my last post, a lot of work has been done, a lot of hours has been spent in studying and testing new solutions to serve better the needs of our corporate IT environment and our customers’ ones.
One of the bigger improvements is about the oldest form of synchronous collaboration: phone calls! One week ago our CommuniGate system began to route all voice traffic in and out my business. Stalker’s product is the last piece of software I tested to manage such type of  communications (another good candidate was Asterisk) and it proved to be the better choice for businesses of all sizes, thanks to its right price and its amazing scalability and reliability, which lets it to serve five thousand as well as five users with the same high level of performance and functionality.
The wide range of transport and access protocols supported lets our users connect and keep in contact from almost any client software or device on any platform to any customer or partner who might rely on public or private communication system and network (e-mail, Jabber, GTalk, SIP, PSTN, …), so dramatically simplifying the administrative efforts to connect these entities.
A lot of aspects were involved in such evaluation, which I can’t describe here and now, but the results of our tests convinced us that, even if CommuniGate’s strong backgrounds in carrier’s field make it miss a lot of enterprise features at this time, it has all the requirements needed to fight and win in the enterprise market, first of all because of its rock-solid architecture, which makes it run and be supported on almost twenty different computer architectures!
Interesting that a few years back people were questioning the viability of VoIP (ie. Vonage fiasco). Now everywhere you turn its widely accepted and has become very established.