October 26th, 2006

BSDBOX01 has moved

On the last week-end I decommissioned the Development local area network by migrating the sole machine still working in it to the Phoibos DMZ network, which is now reacheable from the Internet with an high available topology (as explained in the post “Behind an ISA 2006 Array“).

The same BSD installation is still publishing the free Phoibos weblogs collection, empowered by FreeBSD 6.1, Apache 2.2, PHP 5.6, MySQL 5.0 and WordPress 2.0… you are welcome to request your free blog activation!

October 7th, 2006

BSD in the production area

The new free blogging service, published in the context of the Phoibos project, is based on a FreeBSD system, running in my corporate production network enviroment. Here is a screenshot of the console of this virtual guest machine, showing you the firsts databases containing the posts submitted by hosted users. BSDBOX01 screenshot

The experimental use of WordPress in this free hosting service will allow us to better understand the value of the services which can be empowered by this open source platform.

October 4th, 2006

WordPress µ now running

After I implemented the blogging engine empowering this weblog in my development area, today I wanted to challenge me with the setup of the so-called “unstable” version of the same engine, targeted to blog hosting customers.

At the first I tried to make working the package of WordPress MU fetched from the FreeBSD.org packge collection (which claimed to be the version), but after  lot of troubles, I realized it probably was not the “right” version for me! 😛
So, after a couple of hours spent in the WPMU support forum I decided to try to download the source files straightly from the WordPress website… et voila’: after a few clicks, (and have the DB dropped and re-created)  I am finally able to host as many WordPress blogs as I want! Simply go to the http://weblogs.valsania.it/ to see the result, and… happy blogging! ;) 

October 3rd, 2006

FreeBSD powered

Yesterday I successfully completed the setup of a new infrastructure based on the FreeBSD operating system and powered by one of my Microsoft Virtual Server hosts. The result is in front of you… two virtual guests: the first BSD system running an instance of MySQL database management system, and the last running the latest version of the WordPress application server using Apache (v 2.2.3) and PHP (v 5.1.6).
By working on the setup and the configuration of all required packages, I have learned a lot about the possibilities this operating system brings to make applications running on it.
Without make you annoyed telling all the stuffs I worked on, I can finally summarize my conclusion: the best method to have a setup as clean as possible, the latest updates installed and an affordable package depenency compliance is to build all packages you need by using the port collection, then test all applications by running them on the same system, and finally install all packages you created into a clean production system.