November 16th, 2008
Goodbye Microsoft, hello Unix!
Maybe the last step of the migration process from Microsoft technologies to Unix BSD infrastructure was made last night. I say “mybe” because I’m sure a lot of work is left to be done (who can honestly say: “that’s the last step” until the facts show he was right?). By the way, today the last ISA Server web listener was tuned off and NGINX is proudly running and publishing all the web services behind our corporate redundant pfSense firewalls! 🙂
By now on, there is no public-accessible service provided by Microsoft’s technology in our business anymore. A couple of Domain Controllers and member servers are still serving some little LOB applications to our corporate users, but we are committed to migrate them as soon as possible to a new application framework (they are still running on Windows SharePoint Services).
The hard work that has been done during the last months seems to bring us some first thorough results, and I’m really pleased to view such a strong commitment has been successful! That’s a clear evidence the path we took is the right way to deal with Microsoft’s failure.